Thursday, March 1, 2007

Windows of Thought ~

Just Once ~

Just once in the year do the geese fly south,
And once does the first snow fall,
Just once do the buds burst forth in spring,
And once does the corn grow tall!

Just once in the day does the purple East
Light up with the glow dawn,
And once do the deepening shadows fall,
At dusk, when the sun is gone.

Then how can a person be tired of Life
Or bored in a world like ours?
Where once is the season of crimson leaves
And once is the time for flowers.

For so it is planned in the life of man,
His story is quickly told,
Just once he's a child at his mother's knee,
And once he is gray and old.

Then give me the wisdom, good Lord, to know
The miracles shown to me,
That I may watch any passing day~
Yet never again may see!

Stillman J. Elwell


  1. Beautiful :)

    Hugs to you,

    XO Sophie

  2. Such a beautiful poem! I love the photo also....we got quite abit of snow here! love ya!

  3. Hey Girlfriend: I think I would like to paint your photo in watercolor! It's beautiful, so is the poem.
    In spite of the allergies, (cough, sneeze) we live in a lovely and colorful valley, don't we.
    Love and Hugs

  4. dreamer girl~ hugs back to you sweetie :)

    Vicci~ I seen all of the snow that fell on you! Beautiful scene from Narnia!

    Wanda~ I will get you a picture of this... I took it on the way home from my niece's birthday party! Came on it by accident, I went down the wrong road!! I literally stopped my car! We do indeed live in a lovely and colorful valley! I am happy you are back!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is so inspiring, makes me want to breathe a little deeper, appreciate a little fuller.
    Wonderful words, Thanks for sharing them, xo
    Have a super day lady!!!

  7. Just Once!
    Simply beautiful!
    TY for sharing!

  8. Sweet Blue~ I was reading one of my Great Gram's poem books. This poem grabbed me, because I was feeling so tired with life. It gave me goose bumps to say the least. I felt the same way when I first read it. To breathe a little deeper, appreciate a little fuller.
    By the Way... love your new photo!

    SLB~ Yes! Just "once," does this happen. Makes me think.... and just be thankful!

  9. Georgeous poem. Love all the photos on your site. I'm glad you found me. I love adding new sites to my daily blogger rounds!

  10. "Just once" and everyone a blessing.....

  11. Sweet poem Angela! We must appreciate the new day always! Praise God! Happy Week-end sweet girly! xo, Cinda

  12. What a nice poem to read and to think about! Thanks for the share!

  13. Lovely poem and picture. I am ready for the spring!

  14. Hmmmm...I read your post yesterday and thought about your picture all day long.....

    a royal carpet
    leading me to the castle
    so precious will be
    my lasting footprints
    that will lead me there.

    I love you a ton
    And THANK YOU for the hair dye, my head SCREAMS grey!!!!!!!!!!

    you want to dye it for me?

    XOXOXOXOX Darlene

  15. Why can't we all see life this way! Each thing in life, each LITTLE simple thing is in itself more consise than eyes can imagine. All God's little eye candy for us! hehe

    I love this poem mommy. It is true.
