Friday, September 14, 2007


My sister Jessica and our Daddy celebrating their birthday together

I am looking up

'Happy Birthday Daddy ~ I miss you



  1. My dear Angela: What a sweet post. We never stop missing them or wishing them birthdays. My Dad has been gone 40 years, and I so miss him. But it hurts less and less as the years pass. Wonderful picture...we need to keep looking at our pictures.

  2. such a beautiful photo of the two of you, very joyous ... lots of love, xoxox

  3. My dad died 30 yrs ago, next month. That gap never really fills. I feel you.

  4. what a beautiful remembreance I know your dad is so proud of you
    he is always with you
    he was on my mind today as well.

    love ya

  5. Happy Birthday to one of the three best big brothers in the world. He was always there for his siblings, anytime and anywhere.

    Angela Marie, we are all here for you and Jessica, anytime and anywhere.

    Much love.
