After everyone left on Thanksgiving day, Diandra and I decided to go to the movies. We wanted to see August Rush. I have always enjoyed the previews before a movie starts and to what will be coming in the future. Going to a movie on a holiday kind of annoys my mom, although I think it has more to do with memories it brings back to mind of my dad, and Thanksgiving being his favorite holiday. After my mom and dad had gotten a divorce, he would take my sister, Jessica and I to the movies and let us pick out the film. The first time, we thought it was weird to go on a holiday, yet as the years passed, it became our little special tradition. I remember on one occasion, he stretched out in the theater across the chairs and started snoring... He really just wanted to spend as much time with us as he could, which is why he took us. I know this now. Diandra and I have decided to make this, our little tradition from now on, as well. That feels good, in more ways than one.
One movie that sparked some serious pondering for me was The Bucket List. Of course this movie was about someone who knew he was going to die and given only a limited time to live (It is out in theaters now and I would like to see it). This movie preview found me thinking of my dear Daddy and how unrealistic this movie actually was. By the time my dad found out he had cancer he was in so much pain, that he could not even muster enough strength to go fishing in a private pond let alone do something he pulled off of his "bucket list," like sky diving or traveling to Africa. However, it made me think about making a list of things I wanted to do before I kick the "bucket." Why not make a list? I think that I would have time to eventually add to it.
What would your list include? I encourage you to make a bucket list. Ultimately, it encourages you to make the most of every day that you are alive. Make goals for yourself and what is important to you. Live your best life. This is it. Let's make the most of this life.
Hold on tight to your dreams.
"on one occasion, he stretched out in the theater across the chairs and started snoring... "
ReplyDeleteThis makes me smile. I can see him in my mind being totally at ease. His girls knew all they had to do was touch him and he would be alert and there for them.
Thanks for that nice image and for the reminder that life is for living.
how sweet yes thanks for that image of my dear brother!
ReplyDeleteI think the three of you had an awesome tradition ( I am glad that you and Diandra are continuing it!) I like going to the movies during the holidays too( don't exactly know why but do!) I will take your advice and make that bucket list
and of course some of the things I want to do would include you!
love ya
I think a bucket list is a good thing. I was wondering about that movie when I saw the previews.
ReplyDeleteI know one thing I would love to do is take a ride in a Hot Air Balloon!!
Up...Up...and Away..... :)
I'd really have to think about this -- thanks for the idea. :)
ReplyDeleteI did enjoy your post today. I read it twice. I didn't think people have bucket lists.
ReplyDeleteI would only wish I could get out of here while there are some people left who remembers me and who I was. LOL
You know, of course, that if the Earth we live on exploded tomorrow and disappears that nobody will ever know.
I hope you can come over and read about Charley.
I saw previews for that film, and want to see it too.
ReplyDeleteYour story recalls the time PH and I took my parents to a performance of Handel's Messiah, my Dad was unwell, and having to take meds, he quietly giggled through the first half, and slept through the second half. He should never have gone but did not want to disappoint us.
As for my 'bucket list', I must give it some thought.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. It is why I live here. After losing both parents and the hope of being a parent I stopped waiting till it might be possible and made it possible.It has not been easy but worth it. In my work as a nurse you see everyday that any day could be your list so it needs to be lived now.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning...I'm passing on the "You Make My Day" award...and it goes to YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteHello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.
ReplyDeleteYes, let's make the most of our lives. Make our days count!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Angela Marie, I awarded you with the "YOU MAKE MY DAY AWARD" .... see my blog.
I always love coming on your blog and reading your comments.
Do what you want with it. No pressure!!!
I just had to laugh, you got the award from Wanda, too.
ReplyDeleteSee, you are just sooo very special! You go girl!!
Having been given a cancer diagnosis, I thought I might do a "bucket list" but you know what? I didn't. I didn't have time for a "list". I live in the moment..I do things as they appeal, as they seem "important" and necessary to me. A little more spontaneous...I was a list maker all my life until that point..and then "stopped"...too bound by "the list". And now? I am living my best life. Ever.
ReplyDeleteMy list would and does consist of pretty much one request: to see my boys grow up and live happy lives. I ask God for that all the time.