Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fifty Days ~ 1,200 Hours

Not Counting Weekends

School is out for the Summer!

I work in food service at a school cafeteria. Our shipments come on Monday morning and Thursday every week. The Thursday shipments are much bigger than on Monday morning and putting it away involves physical labor that needs a lot of strength. Let me just say at the end of the day, I am really feeling it! This picture is inside our freezer. Brrrr! It is kept so cold, we have to put on heavy jackets and gloves.

I have a lot of fun with my co-worker Armanda. She is a crack up and makes me laugh all of the time. It makes the work hour go by quick too. We have children the same age and they have grown up together. We have went through many life trials together that have made our friendship even stronger. Her daughter, my dad and husband all had cancer at different times. In addition, Armanda's husband has had a couple of heart attack's and also had Miller Fisher Syndrome. I am going to miss our talks and sharing what is happening in each other's life every morning during the week. She works the night shift for a local cannery during the Summer season, so I will have to wait until school is back in session to see her.

Hmmm... 50 days until I have to go back to work! What am I going to do?


Any suggestions?


  1. Yes, come to Wanda's Bed and Breakfast... Summer reservations are filling up fast!!!

    Knowing you, several beach trips will be planned, a few antique and garden shops and giving us things to read, laugh and ponder on your blog!

    Love and Hugs
    Wanda Mom

  2. Wanda mom ~ "Summer reservations filling up fast!" So I have seen on fb! LOL! I would love to see you!


  3. you will find lot's to do
    hey I am off in July we need to have a tia and mija day

    love you
