Friday, August 29, 2008

Today ~

Today... Relax. Taste, touch, hear, see everything as if for the first time. Feel thankful. Count stars. Indulge yourself. Go barefoot. Pay a compliment. Practice a talent. Speak softly. Take your time. Let go of a worry. Take a chance. Write a note. Return a favor. Praise a child. Hope. Play. Relive a memory. Dare to dream. Hug a friend. Pick daisies. Surprise someone. Watch the clouds. Listen to the wind. Laugh out loud. Trust God. Believe in Miracles. Sing. Try. Try again. Walk in a park. Keep a promise. Create a joy. Be kind to yourself. Encourage others. Let love be a part of every thought and everything you do. Be you.


  1. You are an angel....what poetry...what good advice... I just kicked off my shoes, and I want to sit down at the lovely table and eat a sandwich with you and the kitty!!

    Love and Hugs
    Wanda Mom

  2. I agree with Wanda you are an angel!
    hope you are relaxing and doing all the things listed in the poem

    I am going to go see the coloroftheskies!

    love you

  3. Isn't wonderful to realize that angels walk among us?

    Isn't amazing to realize that we can be angels?

    Your angelness is given away in this posting, among other postings.

    Thanks for being here. You are an inspiration to us all.

    Our best to Charlie too.

  4. Well, let's just make it unanimous so far. I agree Angela, that you are an angel! Blessings on you all.

  5. Shoot. I should have read this this morning.
    Thanks Angela. xoxox

  6. beautiful, beautiful words!
    (I like the cat!)

  7. I should tack that up on my mirror.

  8. Words to live by..!
    Hope you are both doing well?
