Friday, November 9, 2007

taking some time

i need some time to
collect my thoughts
get ready for
the weeks ahead
before the holiday tornado
gets here.
i have a couple of birthdays
and anniversary's coming as
well as a couple
of day trips.
my husband needs some much
needed rest
and relaxation also.
we will be taking
four days off from
the regular daily
hustle and bustle.
lots of holding hands,
taking walks and naps
together. listening to
the waves roll in.
we really enjoy
our time together.
this man makes me laugh.
i am hoping
to get some pictures,
do a little shopping,
and breath deeply. hopefully
we will come back feeling
refreshed and more centered.
may peace be
with you.



  1. Angela Marie, you are so smart to do this.
    Enjoy getting in the right headspace for the holidays.
    Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving, and take care!!!

  2. Angela: I guess it would spoil your couple romantic thing if I ask to come along??? ((smile))

    Pastor Dad and I have a weekend at the ocean coming up...can't wait.
    You love on that Charlie big time! Love and Hugs
    Wanda Mom

  3. A man that can make you laugh is worth his weight in gold. Have fun together, and enjoy your break.
    Big hugs

  4. Have a wonderful peaceful break,

    Love and light, M

  5. I hope you and Charlie have a great
    time and that you both come back
    ready to take on anything. you must
    get your rest because we will have
    a big shopping fun day coming sooner
    than you think! Can't wait

    enjoy your time away

    love you

  6. Ooohhh. Fun! I hope you have a wonderful blessed time off. And if you're taking Wanda, you have to take ME, too!!!

    Love you...

  7. You have the right to my dear friend needs some rights to the rest of each period and change location

    I wish you leave the comfort of a beautiful

  8. Oh, Bless you Angela! Have a wonderful few days off and enjoy!

  9. its wonderful to take time off and just breathe :) xox

  10. check out 'Angela Marie' by Ralph Bassinger. Is the song about you?
